
  • National Patient Safety Goals for Hospitals in 2023

    The Joint Commission is an organization dedicated to conrinuously improving healthcare for the public, and every year they gather information from widely recognized stakeholders and experts to present healthcare facilities with goals to follow in order to improve patient safety by reducing harm caused by prevalent risks in healthcare. The Joint Commission’s 2023 National Goals for Patient Safety are here, and we summarized them in our easy-to-read guide for hospitals!

    28 December, 2022
  • The Problem with Government Contracts in Healthcare Staffing

    There is a lot of competition within the healthcare staffing field among private companies who want to win government contracts. While every contractor wants to offer the best value for government projects, it is not always possible to fulfill contracts for low prices within an ongoing shortage of physicians and advanced practitioners. These problems all come together to seriously complicate government contracted healthcare staffing.

    16 December, 2022
  • Benefits of Hiring Private Disaster Relief Organizations

    Government institutions are finding increasing success when they partner with private disaster relief and emergency response organizations like Wellhart. These agencies supply the vital resources needed to appropriately respond to disasters and help communities recover from the devastation they cause, and offer many other benefits to supplement governmental aid.

    1 December, 2022
  • Assessing the Safety Culture at Your Healthcare Organization

    Building a solid safety culture at your healthcare orgtanization is not only vital for the work environment and satisfaction of your medical staff, but also for putting patient safety first. However, before you can begin to implement changes and structures to build such a safety culture, you must first assess your institution’s culture as it currently stands.

    22 November, 2022
  • Mindfulness Meditation Practices For Locums This Winter

    The Wintertime blues is no joke. Shorter days and less sunlight can cause low mood and motivation for the average person, and can slow down the back to back traveling schedule of your average locum as well. Don’t let seasonal changes affect your locum work this cold season. Instead utilize these top 3 proven mindfulness meditation practices for medical providers on the go this Winter.

    3 November, 2022
  • Boosting Your CRNA Salary with the New APRN Compact

    Physicians and registered nurses both have their own multistate compacts that allow them to travel and work locum jobs across state jobs seamlessly. So where’s the multistate license for CRNAs? The answer is, it’s coming soon! The new APRN compact is currently in the process of being implemented, and when the time comes, you may find your earning potential increasing as doors to more locum job opportunities open up!

    31 October, 2022
  • New Report Highlights Alarming Healthcare Staffing Shortages

    The Minnesota Hospital Association (MHA) recently released their 2022 annual workforce report, and the results are grim. While the report only collects data from MHA member facilities in Minnesota, its findings are also relfective of the critical and ongoing shortage of medical providers across the nation. Read on to learn more about the healthcare staffing shortage in Minnesota, and why job vacancy rates are growing at such an alarming rate.

    25 October, 2022
  • Utilizing Past Events in Disaster and Crisis Preparation

    When people experience and survive a natural disaster, they are far more likely to be more prepared for future risks; but how can health systems prepare for prospective future hazards when climate change is changing the face of natural disaster mitigation, preparedness, and response? Though hazards are becoming more and more unpredictable, we shouldn’t allow ourselves to become helpless.

    14 October, 2022
  • How Climate Change Affects Disaster Risk Reduction

    Disaster Risk Reduction serves to prepare vulnerable communities and populations for the mitigation of, response to, and recovery from natural disasters. However, climate change’s adverse adverse effects on the frequency and severity of natural disasters around the globe are starting to become more and more obvious to the naked eye. This International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, we discuss the ways that climate change is changing the face of natural hazards, and why it’s time to get climate-smart about disaster risk reduction strategies.

    10 October, 2022
  • Emergency Response Cold Weather Safety Tips

    Climate change is increasingly bringing about harsher weather conditions and more frequent natural disasters. That is why it is important for your healthcare organization to be prepared for keeping medical staff safe from the cold this winter, even if your region has never experienced harsh winter weather conditions before. Read on to see Wellhart’s top cold weather safety tips to plan ahead for your organization this cold season!

    22 September, 2022